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Temporal Event set Modeling

By Parag Dutta | October 22, 2023

Paper in proceedings of ACML 2023 [PDF link][Presentation][Github]


Temporal Point Processes (TPP) play an important role in predicting or forecasting events. Although these problems have been studied extensively, predicting multiple simultaneously occurring events can be challenging. For instance, more often than not, a patient gets admitted to a hospital with multiple conditions at a time. Similarly people buy more than one stock and multiple news breaks out at the same time. Moreover, these events do not occur at discrete time intervals, and forecasting event sets in the continuous time domain remains an open problem. Naïve approaches for extending the existing TPP models for solving this problem lead to dealing with an exponentially large number of events or ignoring set dependencies among events. In this work, we propose a scalable and efficient approach based on TPPs to solve this problem. Our proposed approach incorporates contextual event embeddings, temporal information, and domain features to model the temporal event sets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through extensive experiments on multiple datasets, showing that our model outperforms existing methods in terms of prediction metrics and computational efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that solves the problem of predicting event set intensities in the continuous time domain by using TPPs.


Temporal Point Processes (TPPs) are probabilistic generative models for continuous-time event sequences. They have been widely used in modeling real-world event sequences, such as neural spike trains, disease outbreaks, and social media activities.

TPPs can be learned from data using traditional methods [1, 2, 3] and using deep learning [4, 5, 6]. Some of the example use cases include modeling and predicting hospital visits, stock portfolio selection, and shopping basket checkouts.
The paper extends the notion of sequence of events in TPPs to a sequence of sets of events. The paper proposes a novel model for predicting the intensity of a set of events in the continuous time domain. The proposed modelling approach is named (Temporal Event Set) TESET Modeling.

TESET Modeling methodology

This is a two step process:
  1. Learning the embedding of items in the event sets
  2. Modeling the temporal dependencies between the event sets

Step 1: Learning item representations

We consider the items within a given event set to be close in the representation space, and the items in different event sets to be far apart. We use a neural network to learn the embeddings of the items in the event sets. The network is trained using the noise contrastive loss function, where the anchor and positive samples are selected among the items in the same event sets and the negative samples are the items in the other event sets. The network is trained to maximize the similarity between the items in the event sets and minimize the similarity between the items in different event sets.

Step 2: Modeling temporal dependencies among Event sets

We assume that we are given a temporal event set Sequence as follows:
We items within each event set must be exchangeable, but the timestamp information must be included across the items in the different event sets. Hence we propose a novel SpatioTemporal Encodings as follows:
We augment the sequence as follows and pass through the item encoder to obtain vectors:
[CLS] and [SEP] are special tokens used in the transformer literature. [SEP] captures the information for a given event set, and [CLS] captures the global information for the entire sequence.
We use a transformer encoder (implemented using the Probabilistic Bayesian Neural Network framework) to encode the augmented sequence of vectors. The transformer encoder is trained to predict the next event set in the sequence. The transformer has M gausian output heads to predict the next event set and the corresponding timestamp. By mixing the outputs of the M heads, we can predict the intensities for arbitrary complex event sets along with their time of occurrence. We consider the following losses:
  1. Binary cross entropy loss for predicting the next event set:
  2. Dice loss for handling class imbalance

  3. Huber loss for learning the temporal relations

We use the linear combination of the above losses to train the TESET model:

Experiments and Results

  1. M. Winkel – Poisson processes, generalizations and applications [link]
  2. T. Beckers – An introduction to Gaussian Process models [link]
  3. P. J. Laub and others – Hawkes Processes [link]
  4. Du and others – Recurrent Marked Temporal Point Processes [link]
  5. Mei and Eisner – The Neural Hawkes Process [link]
  6. Zuo and others – Transformer Hawkes Process [link]